Increased processing power and sophistication willempower AI solutions to bettercollect and extrapolate information, in turn helpingeducators create personalizedlearning plans for each student
Human bias remains a stumbling block in education— and, as noted above, is also anemerging concern for AI tools. The future of AI inschools will leverage solutionscapable of grading papers and evaluating exams usingestablished rubrics andbenchmarks to both automate completion and eliminatebias
Educators are typically masters of their craft; manyhave multiple degrees and oftenspecialize in niche areas of student development andperformance. The problem is thatnecessary administrative work often frustrates teacherefforts to engage with students.Here, the future of classroom intelligence takes theform of AI-driven assistants thatdeliver essential data to help teachers do what theydo best: connect with students
The simplest application of AI often provides the most immediate benefit: By automating straight forward tasks such as grading, digital asset categorization or time table scheduling, educators can increase the amount of time they spend actively engaging with students
Students’ needs and curriculum priorities are constantlyshifting, making it difficult foreducators to ensure the content they deliver remainsrelevant and actionable.
Students’ needs and curriculum priorities are constantlyshifting, making it difficult foreducators to ensure the content they deliver remainsrelevant and actionable.
Data analytics informed by adaptive AI solutions can help identify critical areas for student and teacher performance. Combined with robust security and access controls, AI can help spot and remedy potential problems in their formative stages
This is a super smart company making super smart toys for kids. When Elemental Path debuted on Kickstarter in 2016, it was with the help of IBM Watson, which enabled the company to make toys that kids can communicate with
Querium uses AI in their company to help students with STEM skills so they can be ready for further studies at high schools, colleges, and universities.
MobyMax is a free web-based learning tool that uses artificial intelligence to create a complete K-8 differentiated and adaptive curriculum for Math, Language, Vocab, and Fact Fluency. is an award-winning EdTech company from Sweden. brings something truly unique to the assessment system in education.
Discovery Education is a big player in EdTech. The company has established itself as the leading provider of digital curriculum resources, digital content, and professional development for K-12 classrooms.