Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence in which computers analyze, understand, and derive meaning from human language in a smart and useful way. By utilizing NLP, developers can organize and structure knowledge to perform tasks such as automatic summarization, translation, named entity recognition, relationship extraction, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and topic segmentation.
Given a sentence, determine POS tags for each word (e.g., NOUN, VERB, ADV, ADJ).
Given a sentence, determine its polarity (e.g., positive, negative, neutral), or emotions (e.g., happy, sad, surprised, angry)
Given a sentence, determine which words (“mentions”) refer to the same objects (“entities”). for example (Manning is a great NLP professor, he worked in academia for over 25 years)
Many words have more than one meaning, we have to select the meaning which makes the most sense in context